Project Title: Disseminating Advocacy Communication Materials on Improving Access of Young People to Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Benue, Kwara Nasarawa States and the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria

Project Location: Benue, Kwara, Nasarawa states and the Federal Capital Territory

Project Duration: 2020-2021

NAYA with support from Population Reference Bureau (PRB), developed evidence-based advocacy materials (Factsheet and Brochure) to facilitate NAYA’s advocacy efforts targeted at holding decision makers accountable for the implementation of “National Guidelines for the Integration of Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health Services (AYFHS) into Primary Health Care (PHC) facilities in Nigeria” and“ National Guidelines on Promoting Access of Young people to Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health Services (AYFHS) in Primary Health Care (PHC) facilities in Nigeria” in Benue, Kwara, Nasarawa and the Federal Capital Territory.

Following the production of the advocacy communication materials, NAYA with technical assistance from PRB developed a dissemination strategy for reaching key stakeholders across our target locations. The following activities were implemented by NAYA:

Commemorated International Youth Day (August 12, 2021) in Kwara state.

NAYA Held 4 sessions of 1-day dissemination/media briefing for media practitioners, government, and civil society actors in Benue, Kwara, Nasarawa states and the Federal Capital Territories

NAYA conducted follow-up advocacy visits on the implementation of Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health policies to policy makers to decision makers in state ministries of health and Primary health care Board/Agency in Benue, Kwara, Nasarawa states and the Federal Capital Territories.

During the events, NAYA used the developed evidence-based advocacy reference materials (factsheet, and brochure) to strategically target decision makers and key influencers to demand improved Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights for young people by creating and funding a specific budget line for adolescent and Youth Friendly Health services including family planning commodities and consumables and the integration of AYFHS in PHCs. The stakeholders reached, committed to implement adolescent and youth friendly health policies across targeted locations.